Hey There!

My Name is Yrwin Avellona.




Hello, My name is Yrwin Marc Avellona. My hobbies are playing video games, riding a bike, and watching youtube. The chores that I do in the house are cleaning my room, washing the dishes and folding clothes. What I am planning to do is to start working as a front end developer so that I could create websites and do web designing as a career.

Web Developer | Front End Developer | Remote | My location is from Redlands, California Passionate about creating exceptional digital experiences in a remote environment.

Loom video

Skills and Services

  • Web Design
  • Convert to an API
  • HTML Formatting

Simple Login Page

A simple login page

Ecommerce Quiz App

An Ecommerce Quiz App

Coming Soon Project

Delivery Status

Delivery Status of food delivery.

What is the hardest project that I ever did in my spare time?
“The hardest project I have ever done is the FreeToGame clone website. The reason why this is the hardest project I have ever done is because I have to figure out how to clone a website using React.”

FreeToGame clone project

My Instagram Login mockup.

This is my attempt to make an Instagram mockup based on what I did as a front end developer. I did the front container right because this part was easy and the hardest part that I ever done was putting the picture next to the login part because I have to align the "Get the App" with the login container.

My resume mockup

This is also my attempt to make a resume to show myself how to get organized.

Fake Pixel Project

This is a fake pixel Project where I can find the api from the pexels website and can generate images.

Youtube API Mockup

This is the best project that I made when I was at a coding bootcamp. The Youtube API Mockup is the closest project that I ever did to make it as similar as Youtube.

HomeMade landing page

A HomeMade Landing page is the easiest project that I ever did by myself because I only have to rely on HTML and CSS to to these type of projects.

A simple resume

A simple resume is something I am learning about what is your type of personality based on who you are as a person.

My experience

I am a Front End Developer where I create HTML websites and design them using CSS.
High School

Citrus Valley High School


August 2013 — June 2017


Crafton Hills College


When I was a student in Crafton Hills College, I only did some web development there and it was an easy and fun experience so I could gain the skills I need.
August 2017 — May 2022

Freemote Developer
Front end developer Student
When I was a freemote student, I started to learn more about HTML, CSS and Javascript and started to build more projects using codepen. It is a really good learning process because I can learn more about building websites by myself.
August 2022 — June 2023

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